National Contact Point for Financial Instruments of the European Union Programmes (NCP)

is the national center of competence for preferential financing for entrepreneurs, including  financial institutions and instruments of the EU framework programmes, implemented mainly by the EU institutions: the EIB and the EIF. The activity of the center includes: building and supporting the Polish platform of national financial intermediaries of EU programmes and supporting Polish final beneficiaries (mainly SMEs) in accessing the offer of financial instruments in Poland. NCP operates within the Polish Bank Association, and is a continuation of NCP for the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP) that was functioning in 2007-2013.

NCP offers information, promotional and consulting services throughout the country. The point makes it easier for entrepreneurs to access preferential financing offered with the support of the European Union. It also supports financial institutions interested in participating in the system of implementation of financial instruments of the EU programmes.

Thanks to EU support made available through financial institutions, Polish entrepreneurs can take advantage of credits, loans, leasing and sureties available on preferential terms: more cheaply, for a longer period of time, with lower requirements concerning collaterals, own contribution or credit history. EU programmes include financing for the creation and development of enterprises (including micro-enterprises), in form of investment and working capital. The offer also applies to the activities for which, due to the increased level of risk, it is difficult to obtain traditional financing – e.g. research and innovation. It will also include creative industries, including film producers, multimedia, computer games, etc. Financial products covered by the EU free of charge guarantees are available under simple procedures and are exempted from the State aid regime, which is a significant facilitation for their beneficiaries.

NCP supports all EU programmes that include financial instruments for entrepreneurs. These are:

Programmes for 2014-2020:

  • COSME – Programme for the Competitiveness of Enterprises and SMEs,
  • Horizon 2020 – The Framework Programme for research and innovation,
  • Programme for Employment and Social Innovation (“EaSI”),
  • Programme “Creative Europe” for the cultural and creative industries,
  • LIFE – action programme for the environment and climate,

Programmes started before 2014, partly still active:

  • The European Progress Microfinance Facility,
  • The Framework Program for Competitiveness and Innovation the (CIP),
  • The Seventh Framework Program of the European Community for research, technological development and demonstration activities (FP7).

National Contact Point for Financial Instruments of the European Union Programmes

is also a part of the national implementation system of the Investment Plan for Europe (the so-called “Juncker’s Plan”) in the area of the European Fund for Strategic Investment (EFSI) and the European Investment Advisory Hub (EIAH).

The activities of the National Contact Point for Financial Instruments of the EU Programmes are financed from the state budget resources under the multiannual programme “Poland`s participation in the Programme for the Competitiveness of Enterprises, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises as well as in the Financial Instruments of the EU Programmes Supporting the Competitiveness of Enterprises” by the Minister in chargé of economy, which are being forwarded by the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development.


The activities of the National Contact Point for Financial Instruments of the EU Programmes are financed from the state budget resources under the multiannual programme “Poland`s participation in the Programme for the Competitiveness of Enterprises, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises as well as in the Financial Instruments of the EU Programmes Supporting the Competitiveness of Enterprises” by the Minister in chargé of economy,
which are being forwarded by the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development.