Financing for beneficiaries
Polish entrepreneurs can benefit from preferential debt financing under the European Union programmes for 2014-2020: COSME, Horizon 2020 and EaSI. The offer is available from the so-called National Financial Intermediaries: banks, leasing companies, loan and guarantee funds, who have signed relevant agreements with the European institutions. The offer will be extended by products of new intermediaries, launched within several EU programmes (e. g. Creative Europe).
the current offer of financial instruments of EU programmes, entrepreneurs can count on the following preferential products:
- investment loans
- working capital loans
- lease
- guarantees
The offer of preferential financing is available to many groups of entrepreneurs, including:
- start-ups
- self-employed and micro-entrepreneurs
- small and medium-sized enterprises from all sectors
- large enterprises
Funds may be used for investment and for working capital, including financing of:
- establishment and development of companies
- research and innovation activities
- purchase of means of transport
- contract financing
Funding for entrepreneurs with support of the European Commission within the EU programmes is available on preferential terms. Entrepreneurs can count on the following benefits:
- reduced or eliminated requirements regarding collateral
- reduced or eliminated requirements regarding own contribution
- access to finance for companies without credit history
- larger amounts and extended period of financing available
- lower price of financing
- no State Aid burdens
- EU-supported financing is available without extra applications, deadlines and queues
- the offer is easily accessible (throughout Poland, in thousands of institutions)
- large selection and wide range of available instruments
Except debt instruments (credit, lease, loan), the offer of financial instruments of EU programmes includes also equity financing (through venture capital funds).
Offer of National Financial Intermediaries of EU programmes
Preferential financing is provided by the so-called National Financial Intermediaries of the EU Programmes. The current offer includes financing: 1. for small and medium entrepreneurs, 2. for innovators, 3. for micro-enterprises and social enterprises and 4. for large projects.
1. Financing for small and medium-sized enterprises within the COSME programme
Under the COSME programme, 10 commercial banks and two groups of cooperative banks offer preferential loans up to the equivalent of EUR 150,000 for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises. These banks participate in the programme through Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego, which provides them with guarantees with EU support. Thanks to the guarantee, which covers a period of up to 99 months in the case of investment loans and up to 27 months in the case of working capital loans, entrepreneurs using the offer do not have to present collateral on their assets. A low commission (1% per annum) is charged for the guarantee and the guarantee application is accepted at the time of the loan application. Loans with the so-called PLG-COSME guarantee are available from the
- Alior Bank: information about the offer,
- Bank BGŻ BNP Paribas: information about the offer,
- Bank Pekao SA,
- BOŚ Bank: information about the offer,
- Bank Zachodni WBK: information about the offer,
- Deutsche Bank Polska: information about the offer,
- Idea Bank,
- ING Bank Śląski: information about the offer,
- mBank: information about the offer,
- PKO Bank Polski: information about the offer,
- SGB-Bank: information about the offer.
PKO Leasing offers preferential lease and loans in the amount of PLN 100 to 600 thousand under the COSME programme. Preferential terms for customers include, among others, availability of the financing to entrepreneurs who are considered more risky (because of short period of market operations, low credit rating etc.), reduction of the initial fee or extension of the financing period. Participation in the EU programme allows also for the financing of unconventional projects, associated with higher risks About the offer.
2. Financing for innovators
PKO Leasing (former Raiffeisen-Leasing Polska) offers also preferential lease and loans under the InnovFin instrument of Horizon 2020 programme. Financing in the range of PLN 100,000 – 4 million (EUR 25,000 – 930,000) is available for entrepreneurs employing up to 500 employees, who meet at least one of the so-called innovation criteria.
3. Funding for micro and social enterprises
Preferential microloans are offered to micro-entrepreneurs by the Inicjatywa Mikro, the financial intermediary of the EU’s Programme for employment and social innovation (“EaSI”). The offer was launched in December 2015 and will remain active until May 2018 or until the funds are spent. Financing provided by the intermediary is available to entrepreneurs who cannot access traditional bank credit, e.g. due to unfavourable credit history. Offer Initiative Micro
Nest Bank provides preferential financing for micro-entrepreneurs under the EaSI programme. The bank offers loans up to PLN 100 thousand with a reduced margin, zero commission and no need to present “hard” collateral. Offer Nest Bank: BIZnest loan in installments – Loan Guarantee from EaSI
Moreover, the European Progress Microfinance Facility provides preferential microloans (up to EUR 25 000) for the development of micro-enterprises. Financing is available, among others, for the self-employed. The offer is available at Towarzystwo Inwestycji Społeczno-Ekonomicznych TISE SA.
Offer TISE S.A.: microloan under the Instrument for Progress
TISE S.A. also offers preferential loans to social enterprises, launched under EaSI: product description TISE
4. Financing for large projects
Entrepreneurs carrying out projects of significant value related to research and innovation activities, who are looking for financing worth more than EUR 7.5 million, may benefit from loans offered under InnovFin instruments of the Horizon 2020 programme (InnovFin Large Projects, InnovFin MidCap Growth Finance). These loans are offered by the European Investment Bank, without the participation of national intermediaries. Detailed information
The European Investment Bank also offers financing for investment projects worth more than EUR 20 million under the European Fund for Strategic Investments, part of the Investment Plan for Europe. Detailed information