In November 2014, the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker announced the “Investment Plan for Europe” – an initiative that responds to the current economic problems of the European Union, i.e. low economic growth, high unemployment (especially among young people) and uncertain long-term prospects for growth and improvement of competitiveness. The plan aims at stimulating investments, which will result in the creation of jobs and the foundations for dynamic economic growth and improvement of competitiveness in the long term.

These goals are achieved through:

  • creating the European Fund for Strategic Investment which, thanks to the commitment of public funds, aims at enabling the launch of investments worth at least EUR 315 billion during the years 2015-2017,
  • providing advisory support and technical assistance for investment projects, among others, thanks to the establishment of the European Investment Advisory Center and the European Investment Project Portal,
  • improving the regulatory environment for investment, including increased transparency and quality of regulation, elimination of barriers which hinder the implementation of investment projects and structural reforms at the Member State level.