Instrumenty Finansowe UE na Forum Finansowania Agrobiznesu

Krajowy Punkt Kontaktowy ds. Instrumentów Finansowych UE oraz Związek Banków Polskich zapraszają na Forum Finansowania Agrobiznesu.

Forum Finansowania Agrobiznesu 2024 skupi się na najistotniejszych aspektach współpracy agrobiznesu i instytucji finansowych w dynamicznym kontekście aktualnej sytuacji społeczno-gospodarczej i przyszłych wyzwań. Forum 2024 to wyjątkowa okazja do dzielenia się wiedzą, doświadczeniem i pomysłami między liderami agrobiznesu, przedstawicielami sektora bankowego oraz ekspertami związanymi z rozwojem gospodarczym, rozwojem lokalnym, finansowym i technologicznym. Celem będzie stworzenie przestrzeni dla konstruktywnego dialogu, inspirujących dyskusji i wspólnego poszukiwania innowacyjnych rozwiązań.

Forum obejmie następujące tematy:

  • Strategiczny okrągły stół: Rolnicy-Bankowcy-Politycy- czy potrafią się dogadać?
  • Finansowanie inwestycji w sektorze rolno-spożywczym
  • Smart farming i cyfryzacja agrobiznesu
  • Usługi finansowe dla zrównoważonego rolnictwa
  • Partnerzy rolnika w programach publicznych

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Agribusiness Finance Forum

Annual conference, a banking and agribusiness round table focused on the financial management of both communities, dedicated to the priorities of cooperation between the two sectors and supporting sectors. The Polish agri-food industry is one of the key branches of the country’s economy. The value of this market is about PLN 400 billion a year. The value of the market for agricultural production alone in Poland is more than PLN 120 billion a year. The industry accounts for more than 9% of total manufactured production and 6% of total gross value add. The Polish food industry also stands out in comparison with other EU countries, being also one of the largest beneficiaries of EU funds in Europe. The value of Polish agri-food exports annually exceeds PLN 200 billion. The strong influence of the agri-food industry is also present in the labor market, providing employment for nearly 3 million people, or one in six working people in Poland. Polish agriculture is also an area of huge investment potential for the technology industry. The popularity of robots, drones, GPS and technology, including remote data transfer and billing, is increasing. It is forecast that the value of the agricultural networking market alone will be almost a PLN billion a year. The banking sector is the agro sector’s primary business partner. The agricultural credit market in Poland is now more than PLN 30 billion. Banks also finance the entire agri-food processing industry, including digitization.

The Agribusiness Finance Forum 2024 will focus on the most relevant aspects of cooperation between agribusiness and banks in the dynamic context of the current situation and future challenges. Forum is 2024 is a unique opportunity to share knowledge, experience and ideas between agribusiness leaders, representatives of the banking sector and experts related to economic development, local development, finance and technology. The goal will be to create a space for constructive dialogue, inspiring discussions and joint search for innovative solutions.

Participation in the Forum 2024:

The forum is aimed at agribusiness market leaders – primarily agricultural production, agri-food processing and related sectors, including agro-financial market leaders, regulators and representatives of agribusiness-related institutions.

The forum will include the following topics:

  • Strategic round table: Farmers-Bankers-Politicians – Can they get along?
  • Financing investments in the agri-food sector
  • Smart farming and the digitization of agribusiness
  • Financial services for sustainable agriculture
  • The future of EU agriculture and access to capital for agribusiness

Terms of participation:

  • The conference is addressed to agribusiness market leaders and managers
  • The conference is free of charge
  • Applications are accepted until seats are sold out
  • Participation is possible only after the confirmation of acceptance of the application by the organizer

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